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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/09/25 Law of Moses: Marriage Faithfulness Ryan Boyer Bible Class The Law of Moses Sun Class 25.3.9_class_-_LOM_9__Marriage_Faithfulness.mp3
03/02/25 Law of Moses: Property Rights Kevin Wise Bible Class The Law of Moses Sun Class 25.3.2_class_-_LOM_8__Property_Rights.mp3
02/23/25 Law of Moses: Life Matters - Part II Ryan Boyer Sermon The Law of Moses Sun Class 25.2.23_class_-_LOM_7__Life_Matters_pt_2.mp3
02/16/25 Law of Moses: Life Matters - Part I Ryan Boyer Bible Class The Law of Moses Sun Class 25.2.16_class_-_LOM_6__Life_Matters_pt_1.mp3
02/09/25 Law of Moses: The Home Matters Ryan Boyer Bible Class The Law of Moses Sun Class 25.2.9_class_-_LOM_5__The_Home_Matters.mp3
02/09/25 Ephesians 4:28 - No longer steal, but labor to share Ryan Boyer Sermon Ephesians Sun AM 25.2.9_am_-_Ephesians_4_28__No_longer_steal_but_labor_to_share.mp3
02/09/25 Psalm 19: Heaven's, God's, and My Words Ryan Boyer Sermon Psalms Sun PM 25.2.9_pm_-_Psalm_19__Heavens_Gods_and_My_Words.mp3 Psalm_19_Notes.docx 019_-_Heavens_Gods_and_My_Words.pptx
02/05/25 Epistles of John - 1 John 2:18-29 Josh Morris Bible Class Epistles of John Wed Class 25.2.5_wed_-_1_John_2_18ff.mp3
02/02/25 Law of Moses: Revere Yahweh Ryan Boyer Sermon The Law of Moses Sun Class 25.2.2_class_-_LOM_4__Revere_Yahweh.mp3
02/02/25 Ephesians 4:26-27 - Be angry and do not sin Ryan Boyer Sermon Ephesians Sun AM 25.2.2_am_-_Ephesians_4_26-27__Be_angry_and_do_not_sin.mp3
02/02/25 Psalm 16: "I have no good apart from you" Ryan Boyer Sermon Psalms Sun PM 25.2.2_pm_-_Psalm_16___I_have_no_good_apart_from_you_.mp3 Psalm_16.docx 016_-_I_have_no_good_apart_from_you.pptx
01/29/25 Epistles of John - 1 John 2:15-17 Aldwin Fleer Bible Class N/A Wed Class 25.1.29_wed_-_1_John_2_15-17.mp3
01/26/25 Law of Moses: Only Yahweh Ryan Boyer Bible Class The Law of Moses Sun Class 25.1.26_class_-_LOM_3__Only_Yahweh.mp3
01/26/25 Ephesians 4:25 - Put away falsehood and speak the truth Ryan Boyer Sermon Ephesians Sun AM 25.1.26_am_-_Ephesians_4_25__Put_away_falsehood_and_speak_the_truth_.mp3
01/22/25 Epistles of John - 1 John 2:1-14 Josh Morris Bible Class Epistles of John Wed Class 25.1.22_wed_-_1_John_2_1-14.mp3
01/19/25 The Two Trinities - Revelation Weekend Ryan Boyer Sermon Revelation Weekend Sun AM 25.1.19_am_-_The_Two_Trinities.mp3
01/19/25 To the One Who Conquers - Revelation Weekend Ryan Boyer Bible Class Revelation Weekend Sun Class 25.1.19_class_-_To_the_one_who_conquers.mp3
01/19/25 Psalms 9 & 10: Praise and Plea for God's Justice Ryan Boyer Sermon Psalms Sun PM 25.1.19_pm_-_Psalms_9__10__Praise_and_Plea_for_Gods_Justice.mp3 Psalms_9-10.docx 009-10_-_Praise_and_Plea_for_Gods_Justice.pptx
01/15/25 Epistles of John - 1 John 1 Josh Morris Bible Class Epistles of John Wed Class 25.1.15_wed_-_1_John_1.mp3
01/12/25 Law of Moses: Why the Law MATTERS for Christians Kevin Wise Bible Class The Law of Moses Sun Class 25.1.12_class_-_LOM__Why_the_LOM_Matters_for_Christians.mp3
01/12/25 When Jesus Met Sinners - Luke 4-7 Adam Hull Sermon N/A Sun AM 25.1.12_am_-_Luke_4-7__When_Jesus_Met_Sinners_-_Adam_Hull.mp3
01/08/25 Epistles of John - 1, 2, 3 John Introduction Josh Morris Bible Class Epistles of John Wed Class 25.1.8_wed_-_1_2_3_John_-_Introduction.mp3
01/05/25 Law of Moses: Christians are NOT bound by the Law Ryan Boyer Bible Class The Law of Moses Sun Class 25.1.5_class_-_LOM__Christians_are_NOT_bound_by_the_Law.mp3
01/05/25 Ps. 2: Kiss the Son or Perish Ryan Boyer Sermon Psalms Sun PM 25.1.5_pm_-_Psalm_2__Kiss_the_Son_or_Perish.mp3 Ps._2.docx 002_-_Kiss_the_Son_or_Perish.pptx
01/05/25 Ps. 1: Blessed is the man who... Ryan Boyer Sermon Psalms Sun AM 25.1.5_am_-_Psalm_1__Blessed_is_the_man_who.mp3 Ps._1.docx 001._Blessed_is_the_man_who.pptx
01/01/25 Lessons from the Life of Moses: Moses' Legacy Nick Weaver Bible Class Lessons from the Life of Moses Wed Class 25.1.1_wed_-_Lessons_from_the_Life_of_Moses__Moses_Legacy.mp3
12/29/24 Ecclesiastes - Wrap-up Class Ryan Awwad Bible Class Ecclesiastes Sun Class 24.12.29_class_-_Ecclesiastes_-_Wrap_Up_Class.mp3
12/29/24 Ephesians 4:23-24 - Be renewed in the spirit of your minds Ryan Boyer Sermon Ephesians Sun AM 24.12.29_am_-_Ephesians_4_23-24__Be_renewed_in_the_spirit_of_your_minds.mp3
12/25/24 Lessons from the Life of Moses: Mentorship (Joshua) Nick Weaver Bible Class Lessons from the Life of Moses Wed Class 24.12.25_wed_-_Lessons_from_the_Life_of_Moses__Mentorship_Joshua.mp3
12/22/24 Ecclesiastes - Practical Wisdom Mike Gershenson Bible Class Ecclesiastes Sun Class 24.12.22_class_-_Ecclesiastes_-_Practical_Wisdom.mp3
12/22/24 Ephesians 4:17-22 - No longer walk as the Gentiles Ryan Boyer Sermon Ephesians Sun AM 24.12.22_am_-_Ephesians_4_17-22__No_longer_walk_as_the_Gentiles.mp3
12/18/24 Lessons from the Life of Moses: Consequences of Sin Nick Weaver Bible Class Lessons from the Life of Moses Wed Class 24.12.18_wed_-_Lessons_from_the_Life_of_Moses__Consequences_of_Sin.mp3
12/15/24 Ecclesiastes - Wisdom that will make your face shine Pt. 2 Mike Gershenson Bible Class N/A Sun Class 24.12.15_class_-_Ecclesiastes_-_Wisdom_that_will_make_your_face_shine_Pt.2.mp3
12/15/24 Ephesians 4:14-16 - Speak Truth in Love Ryan Boyer Sermon Ephesians Sun AM 24.12.15_am_-_Ephesians_4_14-16_-_Speak_Truth_In_Love.mp3
12/15/24 Who wrote the psalms? Ryan Boyer Sermon Psalms Sun PM 24.12.15_pm_-_Who_wrote_the_Psalms.mp3 Authorship.pdf
12/11/24 Lessons from the Life of Moses: The Twelve Spies Nick Weaver Bible Class Lessons from the Life of Moses Wed Class 24.12.11_wed_-_Lessons_from_Moses_-_Twelve_Spies_-_Nick_Weaver.mp3
12/08/24 Ephesians 4:7-11 - Grace Gifts Ryan Boyer Sermon Ephesians Sun PM 24.12.08_pm_-_Eph._4.7-11_-_Grace_Gifts_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
12/08/24 Ecclesiastes - Wisdom that will make your face shine Mike Gershenson Bible Class Ecclesiastes Sun Class 24.12.08_class_-_Ecclesiastes_-_Mike_Gershenson.mp3
12/08/24 Ephesians 4:11-13 - To Equip and Build Ryan Boyer Sermon Ephesians Sun AM 24.12.08_am_-_Eph._4.11-13_-_to_equip_and_build_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
12/04/24 Lessons from the Life of Moses: Moses' Shining Face Nick Weaver Bible Class Lessons from the Life of Moses Wed Class 24.12.04_wed_-_Moses_Shining_Face_-_Nick_Weaver.mp3

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