Bible Classes

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Class (9am)

Ryan Boyer is leading a study on the Law of Moses on Sunday mornings from January - March 2025.




Wednesday Evening Adult Bible Class (7pm)


Josh Morris is teaching a class on 1, 2 and 3 John on Wednesday evenings from January - March 2025.




Sunday & Wednesday 10th-12th Grade High School Bible Class


Nick Weaver and Adam Hull are leading the 10th-12th grade class on Discipleship. This class is from January - March 2025.




Sunday & Wednesday 7th-9th Grade Bible Class


Jesse Vaughn and Nick Giesing are leading the 7th-9th grade class with Letters to the Churches from January - March 2025.




Sunday & Wednesday Toddlers-6th Grade Bible Classes

Classes: Toddlers (6 months to age 2); Ages 2-3; Ages 4 thru Kindergarten; 1st thru 3rd grades; 4th thru 6th grades. Current topics: Creation, The Flood, Scattering of the People and The Patriarchs

We are in a 14-quarter series of lessons called CREATION TO REVELATION. This series focuses on learning the 17 time period of the Bible from Genesis through Revelation. 



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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
09/04/22 Gospel Tradition Ryan Boyer The Bible is God's Word Sun Class 22.09.04_class_-_Gospel_Tradition_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
08/31/22 The 2 Sons (Matt. 21:28-32) & Barren Fig Tree (Lk. 13:6-9) Mark Cook Parables Wed Class 22.08.31_wed_-_The_2_Sons_Matt._21_28-32__Barren_Fig_Tree_Lk._13_6-9_-_Mark_Cook.mp3
08/28/22 Jewish Tradition Ryan Boyer The Bible is God's Word Sun Class 22.08.28_class_-_Jewish_Tradition_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
08/24/22 The Wedding Banquet & Feast (Matt. 22:1-14; Lk. 14:15-24) Brennan Huser Parables Wed Class 22.08.24_wed_-_The_Wedding_Banquet_and_the_Feast_Matt_22_1-14_Luke_14_15-24_-_Brennan_Huser.mp3
08/21/22 The Extent of Inspiration Ryan Boyer The Bible is God's Word Sun Class 22.08.21_class_-_Extent_of_Inspiration_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
08/17/22 The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) Luke Heisele Parables Wed Class 22.08.17_wed_-_The_Rich_Man_and_Lazarus_Luke_16_19-31_-_Luke_Heisele.mp3
08/14/22 The Bible is God's Word (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:20-21) Ryan Boyer The Bible is God's Word Sun Class 22.08.14_class_-_The_Bible_is_Gods_Word_2_Tim._3_16_2_Pet._1_20-21.mp3
08/10/22 The Workers in the Vineyard (Matt. 20:1-16) Jesse Vaughan Parables Wed Class 22.08.10_wed_-_The_Workers_in_the_Vineyard_Matt_20_1-16_-_Jesse_Vaughan.mp3
08/07/22 The Bible is God's Word: Why this study? Ryan Boyer The Bible is God's Word Sun Class 22.08.07_class_-_The_Bible_is_Gods_Word__Why_this_study__-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
08/03/22 Discipleship Conditions (Lk. 14:25-33) Rob Mackey Parables Wed Class 22.08.03_wed_-_Discipleship_Conditions_Lk._14_25-33_-_Rob_Mackey.mp3
07/31/22 Constitutional Originalism Nick Weaver N/A Sun Class 22.07.31_class_-_Constitutional_Originalism_-_Nick_Weaver.mp3
07/31/22 The Rich Fool (Lk. 12:16-21) Dave Galloway Parables Wed Class 22.07.24_wed_-_The_Rich_Fool_Lk._12_16-21__Context_12_13-34_-_Dave_Galloway.mp3
07/24/22 Leadership Principles Chad Bilby N/A Sun Class 22.07.24_class_-_Leadership_Principles_-_Chad_Bilby.mp3
07/20/22 The Growing Kingdom: Growing Seed (Mk. 4:26-29) The Mustard Seed (Matt. 13:31-32; Mk. 4:30-32; Lk. 13:18-19) Leaven (Matt. 13:33; Lk. 13:20-21) Nick Weaver Parables Wed Class 22.07.20_wed_-_Parables__The_Growing_Kingdom_-_Nick_Weaver.mp3
07/17/22 The question of mass killings in the Bible Ryan Boyer N/A Sun Class 22.07.17_class_-_The_question_of_mass_killings_in_the_Bible_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
07/13/22 Parables of Judgement: Matt. 13 Nick Giesing Parables Wed Class 22.07.13_wed_-_Parable_of_the_Wheat__Tares_Matt._13_24-30_36-43_-_Nick_Geising.mp3
07/10/22 Alas and did my Savior bleed Adam Hull N/A Sun Class 22.07.10_class_-_Alas_and_did_my_Savior_Bleed_-_Adam_Hull.mp3
07/06/22 The Purpose of Parables: Parable of the Sower (Matt. 13:1-23) Adam Hull Parables Wed Class 22.07.06_wed_-_The_Purpose_of_Parables_-_Adam_Hull.mp3
07/03/22 Walking in Darkness Ryan Boyer N/A Sun Class 22.07.03_class_-_Walking_in_Darkness_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
06/29/22 Malachi Dave Galloway Minor Prophets Wed Class 22.06.29_wed_-_Malachi_-_Dave_Galloway.mp3
06/26/22 Be Ready Kevin Wise Pathway of our Belief Sun Class 22.06.26_class_-_Be_Ready_-_Kevin_Wise.mp3
06/22/22 Zechariah Dave Galloway Minor Prophets Wed Class 22.06.22_wed_-_Zechariah_-_Dave_Galloway.mp3
06/19/22 Like a Farmer Kevin Wise Pathway of our Belief Sun Class 22.06.19_class_-_Like_a_Farmer_-_Kevin_Wise.mp3
06/15/22 Haggai Ryan Boyer Minor Prophets Wed Class 22.06.15_wed_-_Haggai_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
06/12/22 Like an Athlete Kevin Wise Pathway of our Belief Sun Class 22.06.12_class_-_Like_an_Athlete_-_Kevin_Wise.mp3
06/08/22 Habakkuk Mark Cook Minor Prophets Wed Class 22.06.08_wed_-_Habakkuk_-_Mark_Cook.mp3
06/05/22 Like a Soldier Kevin Wise Pathway of our Belief Sun Class 22.06.05_class_-_Like_a_Soldier_-_Kevin_Wise.mp3
06/01/22 Micah Ryan Boyer Minor Prophets Wed Class 22.06.01_wed_-_Micah_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
05/29/22 Guardrails (2) Kevin Wise Pathway of our Belief Sun Class 22.05.29_class_-_Guardrails_-_Kevin_Wise.mp3
05/25/22 Joel Dave Galloway Minor Prophets Wed Class 22.05.25_wed_-_Joel_-_Dave_Galloway.mp3
05/22/22 Guardrails Kevin Wise Pathway of our Belief Sun Class 22.05.22_class_-_Guardrails_-_Kevin_Wise_only_slides__audio.mp3
05/18/22 Amos 5-9 Ryan Boyer Minor Prophets Wed Class 22.05.18_wed_-_Amos_5-9_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
05/15/22 A Call to Action Kevin Wise Pathway of our Belief Wed Class 22.05.15_class_-_A_Call_to_Action_-_Kevin_Wise.mp3
05/11/22 Amos 1-4 Dave Galloway Minor Prophets Wed Class 22.05.11_wed_-_Amos_1-4_-_Dave_Galloway.mp3
05/08/22 Being an Example Kevin Wise Pathway of our Belief Sun Class 22.05.08_class_-_Being_an_Example_-_Kevin_Wise.mp3
05/04/22 Jonah Dave Galloway Minor Prophets Wed Class 22.05.04_wed_-_Jonah_-_Dave_Galloway.mp3
05/01/22 Training for Godliness Kevin Wise Pathway of our Belief Sun Class 22.05.01_class_-_Training_for_Godliness_-_Kevin_Wise.mp3
04/27/22 Hosea 8-14 Dave Galloway Minor Prophets Wed Class 22.04.27_wed_-_Hos._8-14_-_Dave_Galloway.mp3
04/24/22 Suffering Kevin Wise Pathway of our Belief Sun Class 22.04.24_class_-_Suffering_-_Kevin_Wise.mp3
04/20/22 Hosea 4-7 Dave Galloway Minor Prophets Wed Class 22.04.13_wed_-_Hosea_4-7_-_Dave_Galloway.mp3

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