Bible Classes

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Class (9am)

Ryan Boyer is leading a study on the Law of Moses on Sunday mornings from January - March 2025.




Wednesday Evening Adult Bible Class (7pm)


Josh Morris is teaching a class on 1, 2 and 3 John on Wednesday evenings from January - March 2025.




Sunday & Wednesday 10th-12th Grade High School Bible Class


Nick Weaver and Adam Hull are leading the 10th-12th grade class on Discipleship. This class is from January - March 2025.




Sunday & Wednesday 7th-9th Grade Bible Class


Jesse Vaughn and Nick Giesing are leading the 7th-9th grade class with Letters to the Churches from January - March 2025.




Sunday & Wednesday Toddlers-6th Grade Bible Classes

Classes: Toddlers (6 months to age 2); Ages 2-3; Ages 4 thru Kindergarten; 1st thru 3rd grades; 4th thru 6th grades. Current topics: Creation, The Flood, Scattering of the People and The Patriarchs

We are in a 14-quarter series of lessons called CREATION TO REVELATION. This series focuses on learning the 17 time period of the Bible from Genesis through Revelation. 



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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
04/17/22 Our Foundation Kevin Wise Pathway of our Belief Sun Class 22.04.17_class_-_Our_Foundation_-_Kevin_Wise.mp3
04/13/22 Hosea 1-3 Dave Galloway Minor Prophets Wed Class 22.04.13_wed_-_Hosea_-_Dave_Galloway.mp3
04/06/22 Minor Prophets Introduction & Obadiah Dave Galloway Minor Prophets Wed Class 22.04.06_wed_-_Minor_Prophets_Intro_and_Obadiah_-_Dave_Galloway.mp3
04/03/22 Pathway of our Belief Kevin Wise Pathway of our Belief Sun Class 22.04.03_class_-_Pathway_of_our_Belief_-_Kevin_Wise.mp3
03/30/22 Matt. 18:21-25: Forgiveness Ed Gershenson Parables Wed Class 22.03.30_wed_-_Parables__Matt._18_21-35__Unforgiving_Servant_-_Ed_Gershenson.mp3
03/23/22 Lk. 18:1-14; 11:5-10: Prayer Ed Gershenson Parables Wed Class 22.03.23_wed_-_Parables_-_Prayer_-_Lk._18.1-4_11.5-10_-_Ed_Gershenson.mp3
03/16/22 Lk. 10: The Good Samaritan Ed Gershenson Parables Wed Class 22.03.16_wed_-_Parables_-_Lk._10_-_The_Good_Samaritan_-_Ed_Gershenson.mp3
03/09/22 Lk. 15: The Lost Sheep, Coin, and Son Ed Gershenson Parables Wed Class 22.03.09_wed_-_Parables_-_Lk._15_-_Ed_Gershenson.mp3

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